Standardy krajowe – Niemcy

Zestawienie zawiera WYBRANE publikacje (standardy) odnoszące się do problematyki zarządzania ryzykiem, odpornością i ciągłością działania oraz bezpieczeństwem
Deutsches Institut für Normung -DIN
DIN CEN/TR 16369; DIN SPEC 18769:2014
Use of control charts in the production of concrete
DIN CEN/TS 16595; DIN SPEC 14000:2014
CBRN – Vulnerability Assessment and Protection of People at Risk
DIN CEN/TS 16850; DIN SPEC 14001:2015
Societal and Citizen Security – Guidance for managing security in healthcare facilities
DIN CEN/TS 17091; DIN SPEC 14414:2019
Crisis management – Guidance for developing a strategic capability
DIN CWA 16649; DIN SPEC 91299:2013
Managing emerging technology-related risks
DIN SPEC 33456:2015
Business Process Guidelines for Supervisory Boards and Independent Directors
DIN SPEC 35810:2014
Stakeholder Engagement – Guidelines for decision making processes dealing with climate change
DIN SPEC 35811:2014
Scenario Planning – Guidelines for decision making processes dealing with climate change
DIN SPEC 66286:2014
Management of Cloud Computing solutions in small and medium enterprises (SME)
DIN SPEC 77233:2019
Standardized financing and risk analysis for private residential properties
DIN SPEC 91282:2012
Terminology for security management transport infrastructures
DIN SPEC 91331:2015
Classification of risks for international large-scale projects
DIN SPEC 91390:2018
Integrated Risk and Crisis Management in Civil Protection – Risk Management
DIN SPEC 92001-1:2019
Artificial Intelligence – Life Cycle Processes and Quality Requirements – Part 1: Quality Meta Model
DIN VDE V 0827-3; VDE V 0827-3:2020
Emergency and danger systems – Part 3: Emergency, danger and hazard response systems – Risk management file and examples for applications